Wanted by McCarthy critics: 1 qualified alternative speaker


‘A remarkable sign’: flurry of wolf births offers hope for California comeback


Moon the humpback whale completes 5,000km journey – with a broken back


You grow girl: how Aretha, Nina and Dolly can help save the ash tree


New Cumbria coalmine: backlash grows as steel industry plays down demand


The Observer view on the indefensible decision to open a deep coalmine in a climate crisis | Observer editorial


After years of fanfare the future of drone delivery in Australia remains up in the air


Blinded by the light: how skyglow pollution is separating us from the stars


Dear year 12: you’re starting a career at the end of the world – so why not follow your dreams? | Anna Spargo-Ryan


Japan’s climate policy ‘failed to build on the legacy of Kyoto’
