The IPCC’s climate report has drawn the battle lines for Cop28: oil profits or a livable future | Simon Lewis


‘A living pantry’: how an urban food forest in Arizona became a model for climate action


First birds, now mammals: how H5N1 is killing thousands of sea lions in Peru


‘Normalize’ doomsday? Dems lambaste GOP’s latest debt-limit gambit


Row erupts over deep-sea mining as world races to finalise vital regulations


Campaigners fear loophole will let new homes in England be fitted with gas boilers


Country diary: The rolling hills have been planted with 280,000 trees of 15 species | Mark Cocker


Menindee reacts to latest fish kills: ‘An Australian disaster like bushfire and floods’ – video


Labor MP breaks ranks on Aukus citing ‘considerable risks and uncertainty’ – video


World’s biggest single eradication operation aims to remove mice from island
