The Guardian view on the IPCC warning: a last chance to save the planet | Editorial


Four more Oath Keepers convicted of Jan. 6 felonies


As Pacific islanders, we are leading the way to end the world’s addiction to fossil fuels | Ralph Regenvanu Seve Paeniu


‘Like a Roman hoard’: calls grow for return of Hampshire shark’s body parts


A ladybird: how is it possible to love something so small so much? | Helen Sullivan


Australia must do more to prevent ‘looting and destruction’ of underwater heritage, report says


‘All this here will kill this river’: traditional owners grieve for the Darling-Baaka after mass fish death


Watchdog to block shareholder payouts if UK water companies miss targets


Weather tracker: sea surface temperatures hit record high


From climate change ‘certainty’ to rapid decline: a timeline of IPCC reports
