Video shows New South Wales beach covered in dead beach worms after aerial spraying – video

A video posted to social media shows Yagon beach near Seal Rocks covered in dead beach…

Could dumping save the reef? CSIRO finds it’s possible to turn back clock on effects of fossil fuel burning

Tonnes of crushed rocks could help the Great Barrier Reef recover from global warming, but the…

Norway to conduct ‘cruel’ minke whale tests despite opposition

Scientists say experiments could cause whales stress and injury and call for them to be scrapped…

Global carbon dioxide levels continued to rise despite pandemic

Emissions rose to 419 parts per million in May, the highest such measurement in the 63…

Country diary: dive-bombing avocets see off a hungry gull

Medmerry, West Sussex: The slender black and white birds work tirelessly to protect their chicks from…

Knowledge of medicinal plants at risk as languages die out

Loss of linguistic diversity may lead to disappearance of age-old remedies unknown to science, study warns…

The left hates Joe Manchin. His fellow Senate Dems are staying quiet.

Joe Manchin is sparking outright fury from liberals — with some Black Democrats invoking Jim Crow…

What’s in the massive Democratic bill Joe Manchin just tanked

Democrats’ self-proclaimed top priority in Congress this year is dead in its current form. But the…

Turning off building lights at night cuts bird collisions, study shows

Paper is based on 40 years of record-keeping involving 40,000 dead birds, started after an offhand…

Himalayan balsam: UK volunteers battle playboy of horticultural world

Cumbria is latest county to raise SOS as plant causes erosion and smothers other flowers Himalayan…