Carbon released by bottom trawling ‘too big to ignore’, says study


Cattle egrets: how changing climate brought a bird of the tropics to UK


The Tories are right, we should stop the boats. Just not the ones they’re talking about | Aditya Chakrabortty


Country diary: Walking the familiar lanes of my childhood | Virginia Spiers


Antechinus males drop dead after breeding, poisoned by raging hormones. Some also get eaten by their own | Andrew M Baker for the Conversation


Meadow brown butterflies ‘adapt’ to global heating by developing fewer spots


Bangladesh’s worst dengue epidemic on record puts hospitals under strain


Climate change and the cost of living: everything is going up | Jess Harwood


Nature in England at risk due to government failures, says environment watchdog


14 Dems vote with GOP as House condemns Biden handling of southern border
