Biden decides to shelve Warren’s wealth tax

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) holds a news conference in Washington, D.C. | Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images President…

Who pays for Suez blockage? Ever Given grounding could spark years of litigation

Ship likely to be centre of protracted legal battle over what caused it to run aground…

Van Drew opponent was shot at, beaten by cops — then became one

Tim Alexander, a Democrat who served as a detective captain for the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office,…

Canada declares fish fraud crackdown but leaves out restaurants

New study released after Guardian Seascape investigation shows drop in seafood mislabelling, but campaigners argue it…

What is that weird, tingling feeling? Could it possibly be … hope? | Joel Golby

The arrival of spring and the easing of lockdown has brought new optimism. Please don’t batter…

UK criticised for ignoring Paris climate goals in infrastructure decisions

Exclusive: scientists write to ministers and supreme court over recent ruling in Heathrow case Prominent scientists…

Freedom Caucus frets over how far to push its rebellion

A group of House ultra-conservatives who rose to power by making life hell for GOP leaders…

We all learned to love nature in lockdown. Now let’s turn that into practical action | Bella Lack

I became an adult during the pandemic. Because of that, it was a pretty pitiful affair…

Green investing ‘is definitely not going to work’, says ex-BlackRock executive

From his desk in midtown Manhattan Tariq Fancy once oversaw the beginning of arguably the biggest,…

As a climate activist, I object to the Post Office selling me to Shell Energy

I am among the 465,000 Post Office home phone and broadband users who have been collectively…