Hawley urges Trump to veto Covid bill absent stimulus checks

Sen. Josh Hawley argues that it is “wild” that a Senate GOP proposal and a bipartisan…

VicForests allowed to resume logging despite risk of ‘irreversible damage’ in fire-hit Gippsland

Victoria’s publicly owned forestry agency has been allowed to restart logging in bushfire-ravaged east Gippsland despite…

Environment Agency faces questions over works on protected river

Environment agency officials were under pressure on Monday to explain exactly what consent they gave to…

Mother of girl who died after asthma attack ‘knew nothing’ about pollution risk

The mother of a nine-year-old girl who died after an acute asthma attack said she would…

Former Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland dies

Retiring Sen. Paul Sarbanes speaks to a crowd during a reception in his honor in Baltimore.…

Biden’s ambassador to the GOP

Chris Coons was in the final two when it came to Joe Biden’s search for a…

Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestle named top plastic polluters for third year in a row

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestle have been accused of “zero progress” on reducing plastic waste, after being…

Snow may not settle in most of UK by end of century, study suggests

Snowball fights and sledging could be at risk because by the end of the century snow…

Spice of life: how turmeric became the ‘new gold’ for Sri Lanka villagers

In Sri Lankan cuisine, a pinch of turmeric brings the gold colour to sodhi, the mildly…

Tree of the week: ‘I’d tie myself to this Norway maple rather than see it cut down’

One of the few joys of a year dominated by Covid-19 has been how many of…