How the Guardian plans to reach net zero emissions by 2030

Last year was the easy bit – we made a lot of promises to reduce our…

The Guardian’s climate promise: we will keep raising the alarm

The global climate crisis is the emergency of our times. Amid all the fear and sadness…

Papillon the bear: how the ‘escape genius’ sparked a national debate in Italy

The prisoner is in a cage measuring two by six metres, surrounded by three 7,000-volt electric…

Country diary: the vanguard from Svalbard

They returned in record-equalling time: 28 barnacle geese, dropping out of the sky on 16 September,…

Tasmanian devils released into sanctuary north of Sydney in step towards ‘rewilding’

Conservationists working with disease-free Tasmanian devils have taken the next step in what they hope will…

Pelosi said she’s not in the loop on president’s health

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi talks to reporters during her weekly news conference in the…

The Guardian view on houseplants: balm for troubled times | Editorial

The essayist Jia Tolentino wrote last year about people being in the grip of “houseplant fever”;…

Vulnerable Republicans seek lifeline from SCOTUS hearings

Amy Coney Barrett will be grilled during her Supreme Court confirmation hearings. But four Republican senators…

Mountain butterflies ‘will have to be relocated as habitats get too hot’

‘Rarest fern in Europe’ discovered in Ireland