Amy Coney Barrett push papers over rift between Trump and GOP

Just about the only thing holding the Republican Party together right now is Amy Coney Barrett.…

GOP raises over $620M through WinRed in third quarter

The boon for WinRed comes as Republicans scramble to replace many of the in-person fundraisers that…

The Guardian view on game bird shooting: the threat is to nature | Editorial

Slowly, and with a great deal of care, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds…

Sen. Mike Lee appears in person at Barrett hearing after Covid diagnosis

Sen. Mike Lee, who tested positive for Covid-19 less than two weeks ago, appeared in person…

More than 7,000 extreme weather events recorded since 2000, says UN

Extreme weather events have increased dramatically in the past 20 years, taking a heavy human and…

Senators settle old grudges as Barrett confirmation hearing starts

The Senate Judiciary Committee is considering Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. But on Monday,…

‘Heads in the sand’: conservationists condemn US failure to protect wolverines

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has denied protection to wolverines under the Endangered Species Act,…

Fifth of countries at risk of ecosystem collapse, analysis finds

One-fifth of the world’s countries are at risk of their ecosystems collapsing because of the destruction…

This is my message to the western world – your civilisation is killing life on Earth | Nemonte Nenquimo

Dear presidents of the nine Amazonian countries and to all world leaders that share responsibility for…

‘Green tsunami’: Inside Senate Republicans’ financial freak-out

In mid-April, senior advisers to a dozen Republican senators gathered on the second floor of the…